The main floor of Palazzo Costabili is dedicated to the necropolis of the Etruscan city of Spina and the immense historical and archaeological heritage- more than 4,000 tombs from Valle Trebba and Valle Pega, located near Comacchio, that to this day has been almost perfectly preserved.
These materials, brought to light from countless excavations and nowadays available to the public and scholars, represent a cohesive collection in terms of their exceptional topographical and cultural value.
The exhibition, organized in chronological order and tomb contexts, provides a comprehensive overview of the entire period of necropolis usage, from the sixth to the third century BC. The rich grave findings, with black-figure and red-figure pottery, vases and ornaments in bronze, gold jewellery, silver, amber and glass paste. The latter are so numerous and valuable that deserve a room entirely for them. They evoke the richness of Spina and give testimony of its special relationship with Athens together with its fundamental role in Etruscan trade in the Mediterranean, as a link between East and West.
This is confirmed by monumental figured vessels, real masterpieces made by Athenian pottery workshops in the fifth century BC, that came to Spina bringing with them a universe of myths and beliefs. Exposed for public appreciation in the Museum of Ferrara, these masterpieces represent the most important collection of that historical period in the world.
The historic Hall of Maps, which walls were decorated in 1935 with old maps, completes the guided tour offering a vision of the area, essential for understanding the Spina "phenomenon" and its history of land and water.
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